When you can’t work because of a disabling condition, it can be exhausting. You’re tired of trips to the doctor and endless paperwork. Worn down by the daily toll your disability takes on your life, it’s difficult to find the energy to get the disability benefits you paid for through Social Security taxes. There’s no reason for you to go it alone.
Attorneys James Noel has 40 years of experience working with people with physical and mental disabilities. Mr. Noel is a sustaining member of NOSSCR, the National Organization of Social Security Representatives. Attorney James Noel has been recognized by his peers in Denver’s 5280 Magazine as “Top Disability Lawyer,” 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
We are dedicated to getting to know you and your personal needs. We also understand the Social Security Administration and regulations professionally and personally as we have a disabled child. We will help you qualify, apply, and appeal your disability claim and work to complete Social Security Administration forms, obtain medical records, submit evidence and arguments, and execute a strategy to get your claim approved.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Biographical Sketch

James L. Noel is an attorney who has specialized in Social Security disability law since 1981. Mr. Noel graduated from the University of Tennessee, School of Law, class of 1979. He completed his undergraduate work at the University of Colorado. Mr. Noel has been a member of the District Court of Colorado Bar since 1981. He has attended Social Security Hearings nationwide and has won cases for veterans, adults and children with disabilities. Mr. Noel gets involved with initial claims; function reports, work history and other SSA forms, medical source statements and Social Security Administrative Law Judge Hearings. Mr. Noel has 36 years of experience handling initial claims and Administrative Law Judge hearings.